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The nc3 observatory

Fostering Awareness &
Securing Luxembourg Digital Future.

Empowering Luxembourg to anticipate cyber threats, adapt strategies, and secure our digital ecosystem for everyone.
63,237 Positive Phishing emails reported since Jan 1st 2024
78% of SMEs that experienced a cybersecurity incident reported experiencing a disruption in employee productivity due to time loss
86.4% of cybersecurity service providers noticed an increase in cyber attacks
Public Administration Most targeted entities (based on MISP)

About us

Fostering Awareness & Securing Luxembourg Digital Future

Our mission
The NC3 Cybersecurity Observatory is an initiative from the National Cybersecurity Competence Center - NC3. The NC3 mission is to foster a cyber resilient Luxembourg open data economy. The Observatory does exactly that by providing actionable insights for a proactive cybersecurity strategy.
Our Observatory
dashboard Cybersecurity Threats Analysis Empowering organizations with unbiased, reliable, and targeted cybersecurity insights Discover our latest Bulletinarrow_forward
description Cybersecurity Market Intelligence Providing Market Intelligence on the state of SMEs regarding cybersecurity in Luxembourg Discover our latest Reportarrow_forward

Cybersecurity Threat Analysis

The actionable insight you need

Providing evidence-based insights on emerging threats to aid organizations in informed decision-making on prevention strategies.

Our Latest Threat Observatory Bulletin

NC3 bulletin provides support to business leaders to evaluate the threat context in which they operate, and help them to take decisions related to limiting the possible impact of these threats on their organisations. The Bulletin are released on a quarterly basis
Threat Landscape
Main Threat Actor
APT28 14
Main External Pathways
Phishing 2539
Main Infrastructures
IoT 273
Main Tools
FormBook 142
Main Access Points & Prevention
Main Access Point
CVE 956
Main Target & Impact
Main Target
Healthcare and public health 16
Main Impact
Ransom 101

Our Metholodogy

The bulletin is released quarterly and the reported information is structured according to the NC3 threat conceptual model. The information about emerging threats is described along the pathway described by the model, i.e., considering two main dimensions Learn more about our modelarrow_forward

Cybersecurity Market Intelligence

Comprehensive market studies to better understand the cybersecurity market in Luxembourg

Regular market research and surveys to highlight the key trends, identify the needs and gaps in order to empower both the Luxembourg cybersecurity ecosystem and economy.

Our Latest Market Intelligence Reports

NC3 bulletin provides support to business leaders to evaluate the threat context in which they operate, and help them to take decisions related to limiting the possible impact of these threats on their organisations.
364 Ecosystem members The Luxembourg cybersecurity ecosystem includes 311 companies, 40 public bodies and 13 organizations.
84 Pure players Companies listed as cybersecurity "pure players" have an average of 19 employees and a median of 3.
€ 7,5 M Average profit For the 60 companies whose financial statements were available for fiscal 2022, we found an average profit of €7.5M, but only a median of €0.012M.
86.4% Noticed more cyber attacks According to our survey, 45.5% of cybersecurity service providers believe the number of cyber attacks has risen sharply, while 40.9% think the increase has been slight. Additionally, 13.6% of respondents are unsure.
Participate to our next survey! Help us make our data the most reliable possible for your own use!
Get started

Our Reports Methodology

The bulletin is released quarterly and the reported information is structured according to the NC3 threat conceptual model. The information about emerging threats is described along the pathway described by the model, i.e., considering two main dimensions Learn more about our modelarrow_forward

Contact us

Reach out to the National Cybersecurity Competence Center Team

We’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch.
Send us an email Speak with our team. info@nc3.lu
Call us Mon-Fri from 9am to 5pm. +352 274 00 98 667
Visit us Visit our office. 122, rue Adolphe Fischer L-1521 Luxembourg