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About the observatory

Your Information Resource

To help your decision making with easy to understand data about emerging cyber threats and market intelligence.
The cybersecurity information dilemma
Most of the business leaders face a difficult challenge: they struggle to find a reliable source of information that would help them to assess the requests they are getting from their technical teams or specialists. The two main sources of information are indeed strongly biased.
Mainstream Media broadcast content that gets the public's attention. This may lead to the most relevant information being left in the shadows.
Security Vendors push information supporting their business proposition. This is perfectly legitimate, but not too helpful when trying to assess in the most neutral way what the most critical security gaps to be covered for a given organisation are.
NC3 solution: The Threat Observatory Platform (T.O.P) & Market Intelligence Report The purpose of NC3 Observatory is to provide elements of information with as much neutrality and reliability as possible, while being focused on cybersecurity threats from an organisation's perspective.
Unbiased Reporting: Focused exclusively on providing objective and evidence-based information about emerging threats.
Organization-Centric: We understand the unique cybersecurity challenges organizations face and offer insights tailored to your needs.
Actionable insights: Insights presented in clear, easy-to-understand language.
Our Methodology The purpose of NC3 Observatory is to provide elements of information with as much neutrality and reliability as possible, while being focused on cybersecurity threats from an organisation's perspective.
Rich Data Source: Starting with data from the MISP instance of Luxembourg's private sector, with plans to integrate more feeds.
Risk Characterization: Using a unique model, we transform raw data to provide a victim's perspective on threats.
Community Feedback: Continuously refined based on feedback from our user community to stay relevant and helpful.
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About the nc3

The purpose of the NC3 is to strengthen the Country's ecosystem facing cyber threats and risks.
The NC3 mission is to support the Luxembourg ecosystem in building cybersecurity competence and capacity, in a way that contributes to developing the cybersecurity industrial base in the country, and strengthens the strategic autonomy of the European Union.